S.T.O.P. Lying?

If you thought the fight to build an arena in downtown Sacramento was going to get easier once Sacramento kept the Kings, think again.

Video shot by Cory Vincent, posted on YouTube shows the group “S.T.O.P.,” also known as the Sacramento Taxpayers Opposed to Pork is trying to gather enough signatures to force a citywide vote on the arena.

Though, the information used to gather signatures isn’t necessarily truthful.

In the video, a signature gatherer can be overheard saying, “They’re trying to charge us to build a new arena in Sacramento… Yeah, they’re gonna increase taxes.”

Enter DowntownArena.org.

It’s a joint effort of Crown Downtown and the Sacramento Region Builders to stop the misinformation.

S.T.O.P. needs to gather 33,000 valid signatures from city voters and seem to be using scare tactics to do so.

So far S.T.O.P. has about half those signatures and has until December to get them all.

Posted in Mark Truppner.