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Jerry Brown Discusses The Fairness Doctrine On Michael Savage’s Show

California’s Gubernatorial Democrat Candidate Jerry Brown, made a recent appearance on the Michael Savage radio show. The two gentleman talked about the future of talk radio if the Fairness Doctrine is eventually enacted. Between Savage’s style of quick interruptions and Brown’s style of speaking diplomatically, this is a quick moving but fascinating discussion.

Michael Savage is heard weeknights from 8-10pm on AM 1450 KVML:


North & South Vietnam?

US Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat) represents Houston Texas. 

The Representative claims that there are two Vietnams. One is North. The other is South. Lee says that while we may disagree with some of the human rights abuses that are taking place in the North, both countries live peacefully, side by side one another.

Lee is a blatant liar. Vietnam is one country. The only two different Vietnams are inside of Lee’s head.

OHHH Double Rainbow

Last January there was a double rainbow that appeared over Mariposa County. That would be a pretty exciting visual for anybody. But for one Native American named YosemiteBear, the sight was almost more than he could take. Hear the Mariposa County resident  for yourself.

New Sunday Show

Starting Sunday March 7th, KVML is pleased to add Oak Hill Presbyterian’s “Foundations” to our lineup.

Foundations will air at 8am every Sunday morning.

Oak Hill Presbyterian is an Orthodox Presbyterian Church, located on 14892 Peaceful Valley Road in Sonora, CA. The church is led by Pastor David “Pastor Dave” P. Bush. For more information, call (209) 532-3879 or log onto

Whitman Disavows Councilman

California Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman announced on Saturday that she is severing ties with Bob Kellar, a Santa Clarita Councilman.

At a recent Whitman rally in southern California, Bob Kellar blamed illegal immigrants for harming the economy.

“As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, the United States has one flag and one language — English.” Kellar told the crowd.

Democrats called on Whitman to distance herself from Kellar. The Whitman campaign agreed and disavowed Kellar’s comments.

Political Gifts

Accrding to the Associated Press, the following California lawmaker has acknowledged that he failed to report gifts received in 2008:  

Sen. Dave Cox, R-Fair Oaks, failed to report a $390 ticket to the Holiday Bowl college football game between Oregon and Oklahoma State from Pacific Life Insurance Co.

Cox said he has amended the report and is working with the Political Practices Commission to resolve the matter.

Cox also failed to report $101.17 in food and beverages paid for by the California Professional Firefighters. He has agreed to a $400 penalty.

The following Lawmaker has an outstanding case with the Commission:

Assemblyman Tom Berryhill, R-Modesto, failed to report a $59.90 Keith Urban concert ticket and an $89.50 Sacramento Kings basketball ticket from the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians.

Also $195 for Sea World tickets from Anheuser-Busch and $282 for Disneyland tickets from the Walt Disney Co.

His chief of staff Laura Ortega said that Berryhill is disputing the violations.

Rush Limbaugh Heart Scare

Rush Limbaugh was rushed to a hospital in Honolulu last week with severe chest pains. Rush had been spending his Christmas vacation golfing in Hawaii. As the most listened to talk show host in America, this caused quite a stir. The good news is that Rush is out of the hospital and is scheduled to return back to the microphone sometime this week.

Rush is heard on AM 1450 KVML each weekday from 9 am – Noon.

Good News Or Bad?

I was once told by a listener, that news radio tends to focus only on bad news. I’m not so sure about that. It could simply be her perception of what is good news vs what is bad. For example, when we are broadcasting election night results, many in the audience will hear mostly bad news while others in the audience are popping champaigne corks and cheering. Regardless,  it is news.

Based on your perception, I found good news…. or did I? This is a perfect example of how you read this  story and whether or not it is good news or bad:

Published on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009

By Vanessa Rakis-Garabedian / The Fresno Bee

Fresno Police have identified Fernando Valencia, 29, of Fresno, as the armed robber who was shot and killed Sunday night by a clerk at U-Save Liquor on East Tulare Avenue near Maple Avenue.

Valencia has a criminal history that includes carjacking, carrying concealed weapons, vehicle theft and domestic violence, police said.

Two men entered the liquor store on the 4600 block of Tulare Avenue around 8:30 p.m. The first man pointed a handgun at the clerk and demanded money. The clerk fatally shot the man and the second man left the scene on foot, Vasquez said. She declined to release further details.

Police are asking for help finding the second man who was a lookout in the attempted robbery.

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call detective Mark Yee at (559) 621-2451 or CrimeStoppers at (559) 498-STOP.