African American Leader Shouts “Impeach 45”

Wednesday at the California African American Museum in Los Angeles, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said President Donald Trump needed “to be checked out to see if he’s crazy.”

Waters said, “We’re talking about a president who not only does not deserve to be the president of the United States, but he deserves, in my estimations, to be impeached.”

She continued, “Are we going to sit here and wait for the next presidential election? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. He has done enough damage in the time he has been there.”

After an “impeach 45” chant, Waters added, “He is abnormal. He needs to be checked out to see if he’s crazy. So let us resist, resist, resist.”

Hillary Clinton Says “Take Out Syrian Air Fields”

Speaking Thursday at the Women in the World Summit in New York, Hillary Clinton said the U.S. should take military action against Syria to prevent further deaths. A few hours later, President Trump seemed to follow her exact advice by launching 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles. The Clinton fans applauded her mandate for the military “to take out air fields”. President Trump put her words into action. Did the Summit attendees applaud the President’s action before going to bed Thursday?

Republican Vs Republican

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the last Republican Governor of California, blasted Republican President Trump over a proposed $1.2 billion cut to after-school programs, accusing him of “robbing children blind”.

Ted Koppel To Sean Hannity: You’re Bad For America

On “CBS Sunday Morning,” senior contributor Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity that he is bad for America because he has “attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

Hannity, heard every weekday from noon to 3 PM on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML talked about his own particular brand of conservative political reporting and about the state of journalism today.

Pelosi Booed By Her Own Constituents At Town Hall Meeting

House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) reprimanded her constituents in an exchange during a town hall on Saturday with fellow California Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier.

Pelosi had touted her experience as an activist, and said she was a supporter of single-payer health care well before she was elected to Congress.

“Please come out Speaker Pelosi and say ‘we support single-payer, that’s our aim, that’s what we’re going for,’” one man in the crowd said.

Pelosi said that Obamacare was more liberal than single-payer in some ways, causing “boos” throughout the crowd.

“Yes, yes, yes! Do you want to listen or do you just want to speak?” Pelosi said.

A person in the crowd could be heard yelling, asking Pelosi again if she supported single-payer health care.

“I have always supported that,” Pelosi responded. “I have been supporting it before you were born.”

McClintock’s Town Hall Meeting In Mariposa

Last night, Congressman Tom McClintock held a Town Hall Meeting in Mariposa, California. People who hate the Republican Congressman and/or President Donald Trump, were there to yell and boo when they disagreed with McClintock’s answers. This video was uploaded by Mariposa County youtube celebrity Yosemitebear62, who became famous for crying tears of joy after spotting a “double rainbow” over his front yard.

Shepard Smith Has A Fit Over Donald Trump’s Press Conference

Fox News Channel’s Shepard Smith was absolutely outraged over Donald Trump’s recent press conference. Smith began his on-air rant by defending a news personality over at CNN. Smith implied that Trump called most of the media, including Fox News Channel, “fake news” and claimed that Trump “put us down like children”. Smith reacted like a little boy by calling the Administration “crazy” and seemed to suggest that Trump stop going directly to the American people through Twitter and instead answer questions that are asked by the mainstream media. “We are not fools…” stated the unhinged anchor.