Economics: California vs Texas

The economic policy differences of California versus Texas are discussed with Fox News Channel Host John Stossel, Former California Assemblyman Chuck Devore (R-Orange County) and Matt Welch, author of Reason Magazine.

Sonora Native Wakeboards With The Dolphins

Sierra Waldorf and Sonora High graduate Rachel Callahan is featured in an incredibe video of humans and dolphins enjoying the ocean together. This was filmed in the Sea of Cortez near La Ventana, Baja California Sur, Mexico, where Callahan now lives. Incidentally, Callahan’s 26th birthday is Monday February 25th. Happy Birthday Rachel!

Historic Dodge Ridge Footage

Those who enjoy Dodge Ridge in its present day form, will get a kick out of this half-century old footage from the Tuolumne County ski area. Do you see anybody that you just might know today?

President Rand Paul?

Senator Rand Paul told Chris Wallace On ‘Fox News Sunday’ that America is ready for a “Libertarian Republican”. Paul made several bullet points of what he thinks Americans are looking for and then said that “we won’t decide until 2014”. Fox News Sunday is heard every Sunday morning on AM 1450 KVML from 10 AM through 11 AM.

Roker Visits The White House

The mainstream media broadcasts news considered to be important. Right? Well, no. During prime time television on Dateline NBC, Al Roker made this crude confession about his visit to the White House.

Condor Mascot Attempts To Flee Hockey Game

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — As the national anthem was being played before a hockey game between the Bakersfield Condors and the Las Vegas Wranglers, an Andean Condor broke free from its handler.

The rare bird of prey – with a wingspan of several feet – is the mascot for the hockey Condors.

During its escape attempt, the bird slid across center ice before flying toward the Condors’ team bench, prompting several players to duck for cover.

The condor was finally caught by its handler as it headed down the tunnel to the locker room. The scene left players and coaches laughing and fans cheering.

As for the hockey Condors, they lost the game 4-1.

Texas Gov Rick Perry Talks California On Laura Ingraham Show

From John Myers at Sacramento’s News 10 (ABC  Television): 

Texas Gov. Rick Perry decided to take another poke at California in a national radio program Friday, saying state leaders have made even the beauty of California not worth the cost of living here.

“Northern California all the way down to San Diego, absolutely beautiful,” Perry told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham.  “And I tell people that’s Exhibit A of how government can foul something up so bad, that you would leave that beauty to come live somewhere else. But that’s exactly what’s happened.”

Perry’s comments come a few days after a public-private Texas economic development groupmade a small, but noticed, radio ad buy in California. The radio spot features the veteran GOP governor urging California business owners to look eastward.

The squabble only got more national attention on Tuesday, when Gov. Jerry Brown told me after a West Sacramento event that the radio ad amounted to “barely a fart”. 

Perry’s office reports the Texas chief executive will travel to San Francisco on Sunday, and visit Silicon Valley, Orange County, and Los Angeles before leaving on Wednesday.  Other reports say he’s also expected to meet with executives at an Oxnard manufacturing company that’s considering an expansion of its operations.

Perry told radio host Ingraham that Texas is simply more friendly to business.

“People are voting with their feet,” he said on the program. “They’re moving to those states that have low taxes, a fair, responsible, regulatory climate. A legal system that doesn’t allow for over-suing.”

Gov. Brown’s spokesman, Gil Duran, responded to the latest back-and-forth by pointing out that some prominent Lone Star State companies, namely Texas Instruments and Dell Computers, both chose California in recent investments.

“We hope Gov. Perry enjoys his visit to the Golden State,” wrote Duran in an email Friday afternoon.

Laura Ingraham is heard every weeknight from 6 – 8 PM on AM 1450 KVML.

Kai Appears On Jimmy Kimmel

Kai, the hatchet-carrying hitchhiker in Fresno has been discovered nationally. Jimmy Kimmel of “The Jimmy Kimmel Show” on ABC attempts to talk with Kai.

Full Interview With Hitchhiker

His name is Kai. He’s different. He carries a hatchet. He hitchhikes through Fresno and is the new California internet sensation. Although his words are censored, he may be a bit explicit for sensitive ears:

Just An Average Day In Fresno?

Last week KMPH television in Fresno (FOX affiliate) began their newscast with this fascinating story. It involves a big man who says he is Jesus but hates black people, and then he happens to pick up a young hatchet-carrying hitchhiker, who becomes the hero of the story by saving a woman’s life after the racist driver purposefully crashed his car into a black PG&E worker and…uhhh.. just watch the video: