Kashkari Fakes Being Homeless

California Gubernatorial Candidate Neel Kashkari pretended to be homeless for one week, as part of his latest campaign pitch.

Kashkari chose to showcase the city of Fresno as a place where there is little opportunity.

Current Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearingen is a popular Republican running for State Controller. Of all of the places in California, supporters of Swearingen and US Congressman Jeff Denham (Republican) wonder why Kashkari chose to showcase Fresno as a place of run-down streets and poverty. They note that there are several great sections of Fresno and recovering economic success stories, none of which were displayed in the video.

In this video, Kashkari claims to only have $40 and walks into a couple of places (with a camera person) asking for work. Kashkari is not shown with any type of resume.

Kashkari’s campaign team told the Fresno Bee newspaper that they carried media release forms, so that people filmed could legally be shown.

The crew rolled tape as Kashkari supposedly tried to sleep on brick walls, park benches and in the middle of parking lots. In one part of the video, as the person with the high definition camera is standing just a few feet away from the “sleeping” Kashkari, a security guard drives up to say that it is a private property and they need to move on.

Kashkari is running as a Republican against current Democratic Governor Jerry Brown. In 2008, Kashkari voted for the Obama/Biden ticket over the McCain/Palin ticket claiming that Obama and Biden could better handle the economy than McCain and Palin.

Kashkari has been endorsed by Jeb Bush and Karl Rove.

Posted in Mark Truppner.